

Full Name: Travoltan
Name Meanings:
Pronunciation: Truh/vol/ten
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Heritage: ?
Class: Barbarian
Archetype / Paragon Path: Blademaster
God / Religion: Tempus
Hair Color: Dark Ash Brown
Eye Color: Light Blue
Currently Lives:
Relationship Status:
Distinguishable Physical Features:
Origin / Background: Unwilling Exile / Outlander
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (CN) with a shifting to Chaotic Good (CG)
Personality Traits:


Tall, broad, and bulging with muscles, Travoltan appears as a pillar of strength and virility. A courageous, heroic figure.

Certainly not as a man hiding a cowardly, vulnerable weakness.

Or is he?

As a young boy, he and his family were unwillingly exiled from their lands, forcing them to retreat and leave the life they knew behind. Though his parents relented to save their son and themselves, Travoltan was more rebellious, wanting to stay and fight the invaders and reclaim what was theirs. His parents coaxed him to forget what they had lost, but this only instilled a bitterness in Travoltan.

His bitterness gradually numbed him as he got older. He spent the next several years training rigorously to become a strong, skilled fighter – one imposing enough to daunt anyone who dare think to challenge him.

This image and fighting style appropriately earned him the title of Barbarian, undeniably due to his large size, raw appearance, and his affinity for the greatsword.

But during this time, his numbness transformed into a detachment to all things that should matter most to him.
Wanting to stay on the move, he took to adventuring and not lingering anywhere for too long. Nowhere is home, because you can lose your home. He wanders, travels light, and keeps nothing important that can be taken from him. To really care is to risk loss, as he learned as a child.

And so this is how he has carried on, staying unattached to places, personal belongings, and even people. This extends most predominantly to romantic relationships, which would more suitingly be described as encounters that mutually don’t go beyond a night.

Even as alone as he tries to remain, Travoltan has a fervent appreciation for an attractive woman, and a buried desire to find the one he truly loves and could keep at his side.

But to do so would mean Travoltan has to conquer his harbored insecurities and fears. The fear of losing what he loves most. The fear of losing everything that matters.

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