
Welcome to the companion site to my currently private writer website.
As a deviation from my usual writing, this site was created to host my medieval fantasy “roleplay” stories – mainly for already existing games and franchises (Neverwinter / D&D, LOTRO, and possibly Skyrim / The Elder Scrolls), but also for my own original fantasy universe as well. Though fantasy is a popular and beloved genre for many people, it’s taken me a long time to get into it and really see its appeal. My love for worldbuilding has been a big driving factor. I now understand the sheer enjoyment of actually creating lore and lands, not just characters and plots but an entire world right from your imagination. I also appreciate the traditional, old world charm of the medieval age, specifically the architecture, weapons, clothes, and natural beauty. What probably draws me more to it than anything, however, are the epic, romanticized themes of action, adventure, love, chivalry, righteous war, and heroism. Especially as an escape from our increasingly ugly, modernized, urbanized, warped, cowardly and degenerate world.