Rodion Fairwind

Rodion Fairwind

Full Name: Rodion Fairwind
Name Meanings:
Rodion – “Song of the Hero”
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Heritage: Illuskan
Class: Bard
Archetype / Paragon Path: College of Valor / Songblade
Profession: Performer, Adventurer, Writer
God / Religion: Sune (Patron Deity), also Milil
Hair Color: Blondish-Brown
Eye Color: Blue
From: Waterdeep
Currently Lives: Gray Vale, near Loudwater between Southwood and the High Forest
Relationship Status: Married, Wife: Deidre Aprilwell
Distinguishable Physical Features:
Origin / Background: Impoverished Noble / Entertainer
Languages: Common
Personality Traits: Optimistic, Passionate, Romantic, Artistic, Confident, Exuberant, Enthusiastic, Poetic, Theatrical, Righteous, Adventurous, Loyal, Dependable, Generous, Gentle, Tender, Protective


Hailing from Waterdeep, Rodion Fairwind is the son of a noble family who have had their lands and titles revoked and are spiraling into what they consider unbearable poverty. Or in other words, living like common folk. Ever the optimist, Rodion seeks to reverse his family’s decline and sets out to prove himself. Not at all fazed by the fact that his family has no faith in him and considers him a joke, Rodion begins a journey traveling up the Long Road in search of adventure and inspiration. A passionate bard, he is on a personal quest to find his muse – the perfect material to inspire his creative work. Rodion is of course, a romantic, looking for epic tales of heroics and true love. Tales he can regale with plenty of romanticized flair thrown in.

Guilty of embellishing but mostly honest, Rodion is an admirer of evocative imagery and ballads that stir the emotions. He is an artist who holds a deep appreciation for the beauty of words, nature, and the sounds of a melody. As a singer and musician, his instruments of choice are the lyre, flute, and the lute. But Rodion is also a skilled fencer, and will quickly take up the sword to help a damsel in distress or an innocent in need. In combat, and in life, he is obliviously confident and upbeat. He fights and lives with exaggeration and enthusiasm – a self-assured swashbuckler with a poet’s heart. This is prominently demonstrated when he stumbles upon Valkilmar Daythorn, a half-elf barbarian who is defending a merchant caravan that has been attacked near the Neverwinter Wood. Without hesitation Rodion jumps in to assist Valkilmar, and when victorious, instantly names Valkilmar as the heroic muse he has been searching for. Naturally, to Valkilmar’s dismay. Valkilmar is quick to want to move on his way, but at the insistence of the merchants and caravan guards, he and Rodion journey with them to the city of Neverwinter so that they may be rewarded for their deeds. While Valkilmar is being persuaded to remain and help defend the city, Rodion continues to follow him around. Valkilmar is less than enthused about this, and doesn’t hide his irritation with Rodion’s relentless praise and poetic way of speaking, even voicing that Rodion will never get a woman if he doesn’t start coming across as more real and masculine. Unfazed as he is, Rodion lets the insults bounce off of him and takes the rest as constructive criticism to work with. As a hopeless romantic he sees love as the most important thing in the world, and most definitely worth waiting and fighting for. He becomes even more inspired when Valkilmar introduces him to Fenella, and automatically assumes Valkilmar is courting her. This makes things increasingly awkward for Valkilmar and Fenella, who Rodion continues to address as a couple, ever oblivious to their assertions that they’re just co-workers.

But for all the aggravation he causes, gradually Rodion’s personality and quirks become somewhat endearing. Though initially annoyed with Rodion and his theatrical lines and antics, Valkilmar slowly begins to accept him among his growing group of companions. A theatrical bard he may be, but Rodion is also daring and courageous, a dependable, loyal and trustworthy friend who never hesitates to aid his companions and those he cares for. And for Valkilmar and Fenella especially, he proves to be one of their greatest and most important allies.

As for Rodion, befriending Valkilmar and Fenella and the others has given him a new family and purpose. He has left Waterdeep and his former noble life behind, with no aspirations to return to it.

Instead he has a new life, full of inspiration and friendships and stories to tell. Stories of heroes, adventures, danger, and love. And perhaps someday, a tale where he is the star. For though he seeks the heroism in others to base his writing and songs on, Rodion is very much a hero himself.


Deidre Aprilwell

Companions / Adventuring Party

Valkilmar Daythorn
(Half-Elf Barbarian)
(Human Fighter)
Gavanairk Lionsen
(Human Fighter)



Leather Journal
Spare Parchment
Dried Fruits & Nuts
Major Potion of Rejuvenation

Misc Gallery


Name Inspired By: The name Rodion means “song of the hero”
Personality Inspired By: Cary Elwes, Robin of Loxley in Robin Hood: Men in Tights; James Marsden, Prince Edward in Enchanted; and Cary Elwes, Westley in The Princess Bride
Appearance Inspired By: Cary Elwes, Robin of Loxley in Robin Hood: Men in Tights

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