Eamon Richwood

Eamon Richwood

Full Name: Eamon Richwood
Name Meanings:
Eamon – “Wealthy Protector”
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Heritage: Chondathan
Class: Ranger
Archetype / Paragon Path: Warden
Profession: Adventurer, Workshop Master
God / Religion: Silvanus (Patron Deity)
Hair Color: Dark Reddish-Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
From: The Dalelands
Currently Lives:
Relationship Status: Long-term, Lover: Evelyn Nara
Distinguishable Physical Features:
Origin / Background: Sailor / Worldwide Adventurer
Languages: Common, ?
Personality Traits: Adventurous, Righteous, Determined, Protective, Gentle, Caring, Loyal


Born of land and sea, Eamon Richwood is part warden of the forests, part daring, worldly swashbuckler. His father, Aeneas Richwood, was a ship captain and explorer who fared the Dragonmere and Sea of Fallen Stars and adventured along the Dragon Coast. In Sembia he rescued and fell in love with a captive druidess from the Dalelands named Eirena – a woman heavily influenced by the elves of Cormanthor. Deep as their love was, Aeneas found it difficult to dwell on land, to not be on the water and waves, and an understanding Eirena did not make him choose between her and his passion for the sea. Raised by his mother, Eamon spent much of his early childhood missing his father, who was usually away on voyages and seafaring adventures. It was because of this, that when he was of age, Eamon was allowed to join his father’s crew and work on the ship as a cabin boy. During this time he learned sword fighting and developed a taste for treasure hunting and taking down murderous pirates. But after a few years living aboard, Eamon gradually discovered he did not share his father’s endless love for life at sea. He missed the land and the trees. With that, he returned home to his mother and began training as a Ranger. As he grew older he perfected his archery skills, and learned to use daggers and other blades just as well as a cutlass. Eamon then spent his young adult years adventuring throughout the Dalelands and other parts of Faerûn. During his travels he befriended a lone and petty kenku thief, whom he aptly named Krook, and taught how to use a bow. Together they have journeyed farther into western Faerûn, fending off bandits and monsters, all while Eamon seeks his own fortune and glory. It is this call that has led him to Neverwinter, with the promise of rewards for adventurers that help defend the city from all manner of threats and enemies.

Even more, Eamon has been further enticed to take over the successful workshop after its former master and retainer (Valkilmar and Fenella) abruptly fled the city. This presents not only an opportunity for Eamon to earn gold, but also to form and lead his very own crew – to captain his own ship in a way.

However, Eamon must contend with the popularity of his predecessors, and becomes increasingly curious about them and the loyalty they have apparently secured among several of the artisans. As those specific artisans and adventurers move on from the workshop, Eamon replaces them with fresh applicants, rebuilding half the crew over the next few months. It is during these months and the developing relationship with his crew that Eamon starts to reflect on his life’s current course, especially when he hires a beautiful and mysterious woman named Evelyn Nara – a rogue adventurer with a shady past. Eamon is instantly intrigued by and attracted to Evelyn, and also increasingly concerned about her safety. While Evelyn is reluctant to get personal and share her story, Eamon can tell she has lived a life among some very dangerous people. People who haven’t entirely released Evelyn from their grasp. This causes Eamon to want to keep her close, and to plan and prepare for whatever fight lies ahead. As such, their closeness brings out their feelings for each other, and Eamon finds himself entangled in a complicated romance. It also makes him consider the future. He eventually begins to question his own character and the quests he has been pursuing. Though some may think they can tempt Eamon with greed, money is not his true motivator. He himself is still discovering what it is he truly wants in his life, and how he has drifted from what really matters. Much like his father, Eamon is adventurous, righteous, and determined, but also shares his mother’s nurturing heart and reverence for nature. Overall, Eamon is protective, gentle and caring, and values trust, friendship, loyalty, love, and justice more than anything. Which has made the personal connections and relationships formed in the workshop so important to him, and ultimately, why he journeys to meet Valkilmar and Fenella. To see the path walked before him, and to see that there is no greater fortune than finding the woman you love, and building a life, home and family with that woman and everyone that matters most to you.

Companions / Adventuring Party

(Kenku Archer)
Vidar Blackwind
(Human Ranger)

Other Friends & Allies

Nadia Evendown
(Human Rogue / Ranger)
Valkilmar Daythorn
(Half-Elf Barbarian)
(Human Fighter)
Gavanairk Lionsen
(Human Fighter)
Larkyn Kovarrubias
(Human Rogue)
Rodion Fairwind
(Human Bard)


Potion of Major Healing

Misc Gallery


Voice Inspired By: Jim Caviezel, Edmond Dantès in The Count of Monte Cristo

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